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Walau usianya sudah 21 tahun namun Lizzie Velasquez, wanita asal Texas Amerika ini hanya memiliki berat badan 25 Kilogram saja dengan tinggi badan 1,58 cm. Kondisi ini terjadi karena Lizzie tidak punya sedikitpun semak dalam tubuhnya. Kelainan ini terjadi sejak lahir hingga saat ini. Dalam satu hari Lizzie harus makan 60 kali. Biasanya 15 menit sekali paling tidak dirinya harus makan walau sedikit. Dokter di daerah setempat hingga kini masih kesulitan mendiagnosa penyakit kelainan yang diderita gadis ini.
The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)
Saudara sekandungnya semua terlahir normal. Saat bayi Lizzie hanya terlahir dengan berat badan 1,2 kg sampai sampai orang tuanya memberikan baju yang biasa dipakai oleh hewan piaraan karena baju bayi normal terlalu besar. Kasihan sekali ya Gan!
The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)

The Story of 21-year-old Lizzie Velasquez (17 pics)
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